Lost & Found

We are happy to scan a found animal for you but make no guarantees that we have space for the animal. We encourage you to bring all strays to Marion County Animal Services, which can be contacted at 352-671-8700. Any dogs or cats that have been “picked up” by Animal Control can also be found on the Marion County Animal Services website. The HSMC does not pick up any animals from residents or off the streets.

Petco helps reunite lost pets with their families.

You can enter a photo of your missing pet and search

our national lost and found pet database to find them.

Please use this tool to look up microchip companies

and their contact information.

Please register both lost and found pets with the sites below.











Please make sure that you also notify your pet’s microchip company. If you do not know the company, you may call your vet or the location where the microchip was done. They will be able to give you that information.

Post flyers at vets’ offices, shelters, groomers, and local neighborhoods.

If you have found a pet, please immediately take it to a shelter or vet’s office and have a pet scanned for a microchip. Please also notify the microchip company, and try to locate the owner.

If lost, please check shelters OFTEN!

Please put a litter box outside and out of the rain for lost cats. You may also put out a can of tuna around feeding times and call often (dawn, dusk, day, night).

For lost dogs, please put something with your family’s scent (unlaundered) outside and out of the rain.

You may also register & search for found pets on many other sites, including: