Surrendering an Animal

If you are interested in surrendering an animal, you must make an appointment.

Please understand that HSMC is not an open-admission shelter, and we reserve the right to refuse to take an animal under certain circumstances. Please also know that there is a queue ahead of you at any given time, and we can only accept more animals upon the adoption of others. If you have found a stray animal, please contact Marion County Animal Control at (352) 671-8727. The Humane Society of Marion County cannot pick up stray animals, and we are not equipped to deal with animal nuisances. MCAS also has a TNR (trap, neuter & release program) that can assist you with feral colonies that you are aware of.

For Dogs

Please email the HSMC Canine Intake Department Line at [email protected]. In the email, please include pictures, vet records, contact information, and any other information you think is valuable about the dog. We request that you send an email so we can have a visual of the dog before making an appointment.

For Cats

Please email the HSMC Feline Intake Department Line at [email protected] In the email, please include pictures, vet records, contact information, and any other information you think is valuable about the cat. We request that you send an email so we can have a visual of the cat before making an appointment.